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Our Family Keeping Your Family Safe On the Road
Sunset Tire and Service
955 MO - Hwy 42
Osage Beach, Missouri 65065
If a consumer has tires that are worn,
under-inflated, or not suited to their driving environment, they put themselves, their vehicle, and others at risk.
Do you know how to make an informed decision?
For some, the choice comes down to price and availability, while others buy tires based on appearance or reputation.
Our trained staff associates are “tire-people”. They will recommend your tire purchase based on which tire is the best value for your situation while taking into consideration:
Type of vehicle
Age of vehicle
Miles driven per year
Type of service / Road surface conditions
Price / Cost per mile driven
Customer’s expectations
Customer’s budget
Maxxis Brand Tires
Total customer satisfaction has been Maxxis’ guiding purpose since 1967. Working toward this goal has built Maxxis into the successful, worldwide company it is today. Champions around the world choose Maxxis because they know that our extensive product research, unique designs and rigorous testing standards produce tires that will elevate riders to the next level.
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